Translation Issues

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software is translated into several different languages. Adhering to translation standards ensures that components can be accurately translated. These software components are subject to translation:

  • Data dictionary items (Alpha, Row, and Column descriptions).

  • Data dictionary glossaries (used for F1 help).

  • Menus.

  • Tasks.

  • User Defined Codes (UDCs) (Column 1 description only).

  • Reports.

  • Forms.

  • Text variables in forms and reports.

  • Processing options.

  • Processing option glossaries (used for F1 help)

  • Resource files.

Use short, complete sentences. Keep sentences as simple and straightforward as possible. In general, use active voice. Active voice clarifies who or what is doing the action, and is usually more direct and less wordy than passive voice. Compare these examples:

  • Active voice: Use this program to enter vouchers.

  • Passive voice: This program is used to enter vouchers.