Implementing Re-entry Save

When you select the Enable Re-entry Save option, the application must perform data saves and any other functions you want the application to provide if a user decides to save the wizard and return later.

This list describes a method for implementing re-entry save when each wizard page contains a separate business view:

  1. Create a working table for each page.

  2. On the Wizard:Save For Reentry event of each wizard page, save the data into the working tables.

  3. When the user reenters, on the Wizard:Subform is Initialized event of each wizard page, load data from the working table and assign the values to form controls and variables.

    This event occurs after the system applies next numbers and default values, so they will not override the user's earlier data.

This list describes a method for implementing re-entry save when each wizard page shares the same business view or has no business view:

  1. Have the wizard control collect data from each page and store it in event rule (ER) variables.

    The mapping links between the wizard pages and the wizard form must be bidirectional so that the wizard form can push data into each page.

  2. On the Wizard is Finished event, have the wizard control save the data using table I/O or business functions.

  3. Create one working table to hold reentry data.

  4. On the Wizard:Save For Reentry event of each wizard page, pass the data from the child subform so the parent wizard form can save the data into the working table using table I/O or business functions.

  5. When the user reenters, on the Post Wizard is Initialized event, have the wizard control load data from the working table and into ER variables.

    Setting ER variables on this event enables you to override the next numbers applied by the system.

  6. On the Wizard:Subform is Entered event, the system automatically populates subform interconnect (SI) variables from the parent wizard form. The page must assign the SI variables to form controls to display them.