Wizard Control Design-Time Considerations

The wizard control permits the standard control property settings; likewise, the standard options are available for subforms and forms as well. It is recommended that you always enable transactions for all objects in the wizard, however. Since the runtime engine gathers and saves all data and then commits it in a single transaction if the wizard finishes with no errors, disabling transactions on any wizard object is counterproductive.

In addition to the standard control property values, the wizard control includes these wizard control-specific values as well:

  • Progress Indicator

    If you want to show how much of the wizard has been completed, you can choose to do so as a percentage value or as the number of tasks completed out of the whole (X of Y).

  • Enable Re-entry Save

    When enabled, this option displays the Save For Later button on every page. You can add logic to the button that enables users to stop using the wizard before completing it, save their work up to that point, and then return to the wizard later to finish. Because the wizard hides the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne navigation menu, you might consider enabling this option for lengthy wizards. Users cannot launch other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications if they cannot access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne navigation menu.

    Note: Enabling this option only displays the Save For Later button. You must add application logic to save data and then load it and return to the correct page when the user returns. The wizard will not commit data to the database until the entire wizard is completed.
  • Enable Progress List

    When enabled, this option displays the list of tasks (each task corresponds to a wizard page) comprising the wizard. As the user completes the tasks, his or her advancement is indicated in the progress list.

    Users can jump to up- or downstream tasks by choosing a task in the list. The user cannot jump to disabled, hidden, or unvisited pages using the progress list.

  • Suppress Validation and Save

    This option is applied on individual subforms. Typically, you apply it to subforms which you have also disabled or hidden. You can use this option to prevent such pages from being processed at runtime, thereby making the wizard more efficient. Furthermore, the Finish button process requires that every validated page be at a status of complete. Depending on how you design the application, it might not be possible for disabled and hidden pages to achieve this status. Therefore, you must suppress validation and save on such pages or the wizard application will never commit data to the database.

    The ability to suppress validation and save functions can be enabled and disabled during runtime with the Suppress Wizard Page Validation and Save system function.