Parent Child Control and Power Forms

If you place the parent child control on a power edit form, an embedded subform on a power edit form, or an editable reusable subform, then the parent/child will be editable within these parameters:

  • Both tree columns and the grid columns (except for parent child relationship columns) are editable unless they have been rendered read-only by application logic.

  • Columns that define the parent/child key relationship are not editable.

  • Runtime provides format and validation for grid cells and tree nodes, similar to the one provided for regular grid.

  • The column events, Column Is Exited, Column Is Exited and Changed In-Line, and Column Is Exited and Changed - Asynchronous, are supported for the tree column and all grid columns.

    The Trigger Parallel Event system function is available for the Column Is Exited and Changed and Column Is Exited and Changed In-Line events. This system function will enable a parallel event to run on a separate thread and will not interfere with existing Event Rules.

  • The row events, Row Is Exited, Row Is Exited and Changed In-Line, Row Is Exited and Changed - Asynchronous, are supported for parent child controls.

    The Trigger Parallel Event system function is available for the Row Is Exited and Changed and Row Is Exited and Changed In-Line events. This system function will enable a parallel event to run on a separate thread and will not interfere with existing Event Rules.

  • The event sequence is the same as the grid event sequence.

  • Form default buttons such as OK and Delete work for parent child controls as they do for grid controls.

At most, a power form or a subform can contain a single parent child control directly. However, a power form can contain multiple subforms, and each subform can contain a parent child control. Similarly, while you cannot place a parent child control on a tab page, you can create a subform as a tab page and that subform can contain a parent child control.