Parent Child Control Properties

Parent child controls are a specialized form of the grid control. Therefore, many of the design options that apply to grid controls also apply to parent child controls. This table details some key design-time settings specifically for the parent child control and their impact. All locations are relative to the parent child control Properties form:



Multiple Select

Select this option to permit the user to select multiple lines to affect with a single operation. If cleared (the default), users cannot affect multiple nodes for operations such as cut-and-paste.

Disable Drag & Drop (Move), Disable Copy, Disable Drag & Drop (Cut/Copy/Paste), Move Up and Down, Indent and Outdent

Select these options to enable the user to affect the contents and organization of the tree.

Location Indicator Feature

Select this option to provide a button that permits the user to toggle showing and hiding location indicators in the tree. The location indicator is a numerical representation of the position of a node in the tree.

Expand All/Collapse All

Select this option to provide a button for the user to expand or collapse the entire tree.