Understanding Form Control Design-Time Considerations

Some control property values are common to all controls, although many are shared by just a few. This table lists the property values for all control types. The descriptions given in some cases are for general use only. If a particular property significantly impacts a given form type, then those impacts are discussed in detail in the chapter devoted to that control. In addition to the standard controls you can add to a form using the Insert menu in FDA, this table includes grid columns which have their own property values separate from the grid itself and the standard menu properties such as OK, Save, Cancel, and so forth because they can act as push button controls. They are referred to as buttons in this table; for example, Select button.




Allow Image Items

Media Object

An option to permit image items in the media object.

Allow OLE Items

Media Object

An option to permit OLE objects in the media object.

Allow RTF Text

Media Object

An option to permit RTF text to be included in the media object.

Allow Text Items

Media Object

An option to permit plain text objects in the media object. The plain text in the file is stored in the database.

Allowed in Saved Query


Grid column

Saved Query Control

An option to enable users to include the control as a filter value for a saved query. The property is available for entry only when a BV item is associated with the control.

Alternate Grid Row Format String


An HTML string that provides values for formatting the grid differently from the default system grid formatting. The system uses this string only if the Use Alternate Grid Row Format property is selected. You can also choose the formatting at runtime with the Set Grid Row Format system function. Set it to <DEFAULT> to use the system grid formatting and <ALTERNATE> to use this HTML string instead. The system function can switch between formats regardless of whether Use Alternate Grid Row Format is enabled.

Always Hidden

Parent Child

An option to hide the grid portion of the control.

Automatic Scroll Horizontal


A property that indicates whether the user can see text that exceeds the width of the field. If you permit scrolling, you can choose to have the system automatically scroll ten characters to the right when the user types text, or you can display a horizontal scroll bar.

Automatic Scroll Vertical


A property that indicates whether the user can see text that exceeds the height of the field when the Lines property is set to Multiple. If you permit scrolling, you can choose to have the system automatically scroll down a page when the user presses Enter, or you can display a vertical scroll bar.

Automatically Find on Entry


Parent Child

An option to cause runtime to populate the grid automatically when the form is entered.

Business View Name


Parent Child


Subform Alias

A property that indicates the BV underlying the control. In all cases except one, the BV for the control is the same as the one for the form. On a header detail form, the grid control may have a BV that is different than the one underlying the controls that comprise the header.

Button Type

Push Button

A property that indicates the button type: OK, Cancel, Yes, No, and so forth. For form types except Message, the only option is Other.

Calendar Day View Visible


An option to enable users to access the view of the calendar that shows a single day at a time.

Calendar Month View Visible


An option to enable users to access the view of the calendar that shows an entire month at once.

Calendar Week View Visible


An option to enable users to access the view of the calendar that shows an entire week at once.

Checked Value

Check Box

Grid column

A property that is the value that the control returns when a user selects the control. The property applies to a grid column only when its Display Style property is set to Check Box.


Grid column

Icon grid column


Static Text

An option to cause runtime to fire the Text Clicked event when the user clicks the control.

Client Edge

Group Box

An option to give the group box the appearance of depth.



Subform Alias

Group Box

An option to enable users to hide the content of the subform or group box, displaying only its header.

Column Header One

Grid column

A property that shows the text to be displayed in the first line of the column heading.

Column Header Two

Grid column

A property that shows the text to be displayed in the second line of the column heading.

Column Moved to Tree

Parent Child

A property that enables you to control which columns appear in the tree portion of the control.

Column Order


Parent Child

A property that controls the order in which the grid columns appear in the grid, from left to right in English.

Column Sort Order


Parent Child

A property that controls the order in which data returned to the grid is ordered for display.

Control ID

All control types

A property that shows the system ID of the current control. It cannot be changed.

Data Item Information

Check Box

Combo Box


Grid column

Radio Button

Static Text

A property that shows the DD item or BV column associated with the control. BV column choices come from the BV associated with the form.

Data Structure


Subform Alias

A property that shows the data structure being used to pass data between parent and child. If no data structure is attached to the form, the property is unavailable for entry.

Default cursor on add mode


Grid column

Media Object

An option to designate this field as the one in which the cursor appears initially when the form appears in Add mode. You can select this option for only one edit control on any given form.

Default cursor on update mode


Grid column

Media Object

An option to designate this field as the one in which the cursor appears initially when the form appears in Update mode. You can select this option for only one edit control on any given form.

Disable Copy

Parent Child

An option to prevent users from using the copy function in a cut/copy/paste operation.

Disable Drag and Drop (Cut/Copy/Paste)

Parent Child

An option to prevent users from using the cut/copy/paste function.

Disable Move (Cut)

Parent Child

An option to prevent users from using the move/cut function in a cut/copy/paste operation.

Disable Page-at-a-Time Process


Parent Child

An option to disable page-at-a-time processing. Page-at-a-time processing enables the runtime engine to fetch a single page of data only on the initial search call. If the user pages down, then runtime fetches only enough data to fill the next page. When disabled, runtime fetches and loads into memory all of the data at once. The number of rows that constitute a page of data is based on the Grid Row Count property.

Disable QBE

Grid column

An option to disable the QBE cell above a given column.



Check Box

Close button

Combo Box

Delete button


Find button


Grid column

Group Box

Media Object

OK button

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Select button

Static Text


Subform Alias

Text Search Control

An option to disable the control, preventing user interaction with it (although it can still be seen). You can also enable and disable controls during runtime with the Enable Control and Disable Control system functions.

Display Customized Grid


An option to enable users the option to customize the grid through grid formats.

Display Export to Excel


An option to enable users the option to send the contents of the control to an Excel spreadsheet.

Display Export to Word


An option to enable users the option to send the contents of the control to a Microsoft Word file.

Display Import from Excel


An option to enable users the option to bring the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into the control.

Display Style

Grid column

An option to make cells in the column act (and appear) as check boxes.

Do Not Clear After Add


Grid column

An option to retain the data in the field after runtime performs an add function. After performing an add, runtime usually clears all form fields.



Subform Alias

A property that indicates whether the subform type can be edited. Reusable edit subforms can be edited, reusable browse subforms cannot. Embedded subforms are editable or not based on their context within the parent form.

Expand All/Collapse All

Parent Child

An option to provide a button for the user to expand or collapse the entire tree.

Fetch on Form/Subform Businessview


Subform Alias

An option to cause the system to perform fetches from the subform business view. This option is disabled unless you have attached a BV to the subform.

File Name


A property that displays the name of the image file to be displayed in the control.

Filter Criteria


Radio Button

A property that indicates whether the control value should be incorporated into the database fetch. If you want to use the value, then you must also choose the relational operator by which the value should be evaluated. In some cases, you can designate that the relational value should be chosen by the user at runtime instead.

Filter Criteria - Checked Filter

Check Box

A property that indicates whether the control should be incorporated in the database fetch as a filter criteria when the check box is selected. If you want to use this control as a filter, then you must also define how the filter value will be used by providing a relational operator or designate that the relational value should be set by the user at runtime instead.

Filter Criteria - Unchecked Filter

Check Box

A property that indicates whether the control should be incorporated in the database fetch as a filter criteria when the check box is cleared. If you want to use this control as a filter, then you must also define how the filter value will be used by providing a relational operator or designate that the relational value should be set by the user at runtime instead.


Group Box

An option to give the group box border the appearance of height.

Form Name


Subform Alias

A property that shows the system name for the subform. FDA names the subform based on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne naming standards (subforms start with S), the application name, and the creation sequence (the first subform is appended with an A, the second with a B, and so forth). You cannot change this property.

Full File Name


A property that displays the name and location of the image file to be displayed in the control.

Grid Row Count


A property that shows the number of rows in a grid that constitute a "page."



Check Box

Close button

Combo Box

Delete button


Find button


Group Box


Media Object

OK button

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Select button

Static Text


Tab Control

Text Box Control

Text Search Control

Tree Control


A property that shows the height of the control in dialog units. You can change the height by typing a different value.

Hide HTML Row Selector


An option to hide the row selector when the form is viewed in HTML. You might choose to hide the selector either because it is not needed or because you want to prevent users from selecting entire rows.

Hide in Grid

Parent Child

A property that controls whether the designated tree column should be hidden in the grid. You should set this property to prevent the same column being displayed in two places, both in the tree and the grid.

Hide Query By Example


Parent Child

An option to hide the query-by-example (QBE) line above the grid. You might choose to hide the QBE either because it is not needed or because you want to prevent the users from defining query criteria on grid columns.

Indent and Outdent

Parent Child

An option to enable the user to change the horizontal position of a node in the tree.


Check Box


Radio Button

Static Text

A property that indicates whether the text of the control will be left-, center-, or right-justified.

Key Relations

Parent Child

A property that defines the values to use for certain key fields when the system builds queries. When you map a child key to a parent key, then the system sets the value of the parent variable equal to the associated child value for purposes of filtering the query.



Check Box

Close button

Combo Box

Delete button


Find button


Group Box


Media Object

OK button

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Select button

Static Text


Subform Alias

Tab Control

Text Box Control

Text Search Control

Tree Control

A property that shows the distance from the left edge of the form to the left edge of the control in dialog units. You can change the horizontal placement of the control by typing a different value.



An option to enable the field to display multiple lines of text. If you select this option, usually you also set the Automatic Scroll View property such that users can view the text if it exceeds the height of the control.

Load Text by Instance

Subform Alias

An option that defines how jargon will be loaded for reusable subforms. If selected, the system fetches jargon based on the form that is using the subform. If cleared, the system fetches jargon based on the application where the subform is defined.

Location Indicator Feature

Parent Child

An option to enable or disable location indicator functionality for the parent child control. If selected, the system enables the user to choose to display a location indicator for each tree node.

Maintain Aspect Ratio


An option to maintain the original width-to-height ratio when the image is resized.

Mapping Links


Subform Alias

A property that shows the mapping of data between a parent and its child forms. You must define this mapping to pass data between parent and child forms.

Menubar Separator

Close button

Delete button

Find button

OK button

Select button

An option to display a line above the name of the control when viewed in a menu list.

Modal Frame

Group Box

An option to give the group box the appearance of height.

Move Up and Down

Parent Child

An option to enable the user to change the vertical position of a node in the tree.

Multi-Line Edit


An option to post rows in groups of three to five to the database in the background. When disabled, in low interactivity mode, runtime posts each time the user tabs out of the row, forcing the user to wait for a refresh before continuing. This option does not apply to high interactivity.

Multiple Select


Parent Child

An option to enable users to select multiple lines to affect with a single operation, such as cut-and-paste.

New Text Item on Open

Media Object

An option to cause the control to create a new text item automatically when the user first opens the control.

No Adds On Update Grid


Parent Child

An option to prevent users from adding new records to the control. Users can still edit existing rows, however.

No display if currency is OFF

Check Box


Grid column

Radio Button

Static Text

An option to hide the control if currency is disabled.

Node ID Column

Parent Child

An option to use this column as a unique identifier for that row. The system functions, Insert Grid Buffer Row By Node ID and Get Related Node ID, require a node ID column to work correctly.

Number of columns joined to header


Parent Child

A property that enables backwards compatibility of certain legacy applications.

Note: Set this property value to zero for new applications.

Overrides Button

Check Box

Combo Box


Grid column

Radio Button

A button to set DD overrides for the control.



Subform Alias

A property that indicates the form that acts as the parent to the current subform.



An option to cause the system to display an asterisk in place of the character the user actually typed. This feature is most often used to help protect passwords.

Prevent Resizing


An option to prevent the image from being resized during design time.

Position of Saved Query links

Saved Query Control

A property that indicates where the saved query links appear relative to the main body of the control itself.

Process All Rows in Grid


An option to cause runtime to apply row changed and row exited logic to all rows, no matter their state.

Product Synch Mapping

Parent Child

A property that indicates how the data in the column will be used if the parent child control on which the grid resides has the Product Synch Mode property enabled.

Product Synch Mode

Parent Child

An option to use the control for process mapping applications (that is, rapid manufacturing).

Progress Indicator


An option to display a progress indicator during runtime. You must also indicate its type, if the indicator is displayed.

Read Only


Media Object

An option to prevent users from changing the value in the control.

Reclaim Whitespace


An option to cause runtime to shrink the control vertically so it displays only those rows which contain data (HTML only).

Re-entry Save


An option to enable users to save their input, quit, and then re-launch the wizard later, starting at the point where they saved.

Required field

Combo Box


Grid column

An option to force users to enter a value into this control before being able to execute a form-level action such as OK or Save (except Cancel). Runtime displays an asterisk next to the required field label, if control and label are connected.



Subform Alias

A property that indicates whether the subform is reusable. Subforms that were created independently of a parent (such as, reusable browse subform and reusable edit subform) are reusable and may be referenced by an alias on any number of power forms. Subforms that were created as a control on a parent form cannot be referenced with an alias and are therefore not reusable.

Show DD Alias Tooltip

I con grid column

An option to display the Data Dictionary alias for the data item that an icon represents in the tooltip for that icon.

Show DD Name Tooltip

Icon grid column

An option to display the Data Dictionary name for the data item that an icon represents in the tooltip for that icon.

Show details of all tree nodes

Parent Child

An option to display one tree node for each grid row.

Show Header


Subform Alias

An option to display the header of the subform during runtime.

Show Icon Tooltip

Icon grid column

An option to display the descriptive text for the data item that an icon represents in the tooltip for that icon.

Show Value Tooltip

Icon grid column

An option to display the value of the data item that an icon represents in the tooltip for that icon.

Sort Order

Grid column

A property that displays the order in which column data will be sorted (ascending or descending).

Sortable by End User

Grid column

An option to enable the user to reorder the grid contents based on this column.


Combo Box

An option to sort the items in the drop-down box alphabetically.

Static Edge

Group Box

An option to give the group box border the appearance of depth.

Subform Application Name

Subform Alias

A property that shows the name of the application that contains the reusable subform to which the alias points.

Support Aggregation

Grid column

An option to enable the aggregation of a math numeric or integer column type on a Find Browse form.

Support Multiple Currencies

Grid column

An option to enable the column to handle and display amounts in differing currency types.

Suppress Validation and Save


An option to prevent runtime from validating and saving the data in the control.

Tab Stop


Check Box

Combo Box



Group Box

Media Object


Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Static Text

Text Search Control

An option to enable users to press Tab to move the focus to the control.

Task List


An option to display the task list during runtime.

Text is Overridden

Check Box

Combo Box


Grid column

Radio Button

Static Text

If the control is associated with a BV column or DD item, an option to change the title (the text that users can see) in this instance.



Check Box

Combo Box



Group Box


Media Object

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Static Text


Tab Control

Tab Page

Text Block Control

Text Search Control

Tree Control


A property that shows the text that the user can see. If the control is associated with a particular BV column or DD item, then you might need to select an overrides option to enable the field if you want to change its displayed text in a given instance.

Tool Tip


A property that shows the text that appears in the tool tip for the image. The tool tip is the text that appears when the user hovers over the object.


Close button

Delete button

Find button

OK button

Select button

An option to display the control as a button on the standard application tool bar.

Toolbar Separator

Close button

Delete button

Find button

OK button

Select button

An option to display a line to the left of the control button when it appears on the standard application tool bar.



Check Box

Close button

Combo Box

Delete button


Find button


Group Box


Media Object

OK button

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Select button

Static Text


Subform Alias

Tab Control

Text Search Control

Text Box Control

Tree Control

A property that shows the distance from the top edge of the form to the top edge of the control in dialog units. You can change the vertical placement of the control by typing a different value.



An option to cause runtime to commit all changes at one time instead of individually. If the subform makes a single database change or a group of unrelated changes, do not select Transaction. However, if the subform has a group of inserts that rely on each other and if the system should revert to the previously committed changes if a change fails or for another condition, then select Transaction.

Unchecked Value

Check Box

Grid column

A property that is the value that the control returns when a user clears the control. The property applies to a grid column only when its Display Style property is set to Check Box.

Update Mapping Link

Push Button

An option to cause the parent to push data to its child before runtime performs any button processing.

Update Mode


An option to make the grid input-capable. Runtime implements this option only when the grid resides on input-type forms such as fix/inspect or header detail.

Update on Form/Subform Businessview


An option to cause the system to update the tables underlying the subform (except those underlying the grid control) during runtime when the user clicks the OK button. If you want greater control over subform updates, clear this option. This option is unavailable for entry unless you have attached a BV to the subform.

Use Alternate Grid Row Format


An option to use the HTML string in the Alternate Grid Row Format property to format the grid instead of using the default system formatting for grids.

UTC Display Format


Grid control

A property that controls how to display time and date fields. This property value is available for entry if the BV column or DD item associated with the control has a type of U-Time. This type of data represents date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. The offset is from Greenwich Mean.

This field is not a mask. Whatever format you select comprises the only data that is saved to the database. Therefore, if you select a format that displays only the date and not the time, then only the date is written to the database.


Radio Button

A property that is the value that the control returns when a user selects the control.



Check Box

Combo Box



Grid column

Group Box


Media Object

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Static Text


Subform Alias

Tab Control

Text Box Control

Text Search Control

Tree Control


An option to enable users to see the control. You can also hide and show the control during runtime with the system functions, Hide Control and Show Control.



Check Box

Close button

Combo Box

Delete button


Find button


Grid column

Group Box


Media Object

OK button

Parent Child

Push Button

Radio Button

Saved Query Control

Select button

Static Text


Tab Control

Text Box Control

Text Search Control

Tree Control


A property that shows the width of the control in dialog units. You can change the width by typing a different value.



At option to enable users to use the asterisk character as a wildcard when performing searches.

Wrap Text

Grid column

An option to enable text to wrap if it exceeds the column width. Otherwise, the system truncates column text.