Understanding Form Controls

Use form controls to provide specific functions within an application such as these:

  • Insert field controls on forms to display data, enter data, calculate data, store data permanently or temporarily, or pass data between fields and forms.

  • Place check boxes on forms to provide for multiple selections, or radio buttons to indicate mutually exclusive selections.

Each form includes specific default controls, depending on the type of form that you are creating. However, you might need to add additional controls when you design the form. Choose from standard Windows graphical controls as well as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne custom controls.

All form controls are locked by default, this is seen by a "NO" cursor when mouse is hovered over the controls. The controls can be unlocked by clicking on the Form menu and selecting Lock Form Controls. This option will unlock the selected form for modifying controls. An information message box will display when you launch an application to indicate if the form is in lock mode.

When controls are hidden they are by default not viewable in FDA. To view the hidden controls click the Show Hidden Controls in the Form menu. Hidden controls will be displayed in blue italic text.

This table lists the controls, the forms on which they can be used, and their purpose:


Valid Form Types



All Form Types

Use a calendar control to provide standard calendar capabilities to users which can be tied to some system events.

Check Box

All Form Types

Use one or more check boxes to provide the user with options that are not mutually exclusive.

Combo Box

All Form Types

Use combo box to provide user a drop down list of items.


All Form Types

Use edit fields to display data and to enable users to enter information for a specific instance of a data item.

Grid control

Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet

Find/Browse (default control)

Header Detail (default control)

Headerless Detail (default control)

Power Browse (default control)

Power Edit

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Search & Select (default control)

Wizard (page only)

Use grids to display data and to enable users to enter information. Unlike an edit control, grid controls can show multiple data items and multiple table rows at once.


All Form Types

Use this control to group other controls together visually.


All Form Types

Use image controls to place a static or animated graphic on a form.

Media Object

All Form Types

Use media object controls to enable users to enter rich text and attach files to a form.

Parent Child

Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Parent/Child Browse (default control)

Power Edit

Wizard (page only)

Use parent child controls to present a hierarchical grid view or a tree view.

Push Button

All Form Types

Use a push button to initiate an action or a set of actions.

Radio Button

All Form Types

Use radio buttons to provide the user with sets of options. The radio buttons in each set are mutually exclusive.

Saved Query Control

Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet


Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Search & Select

Wizard (page only)

Use a saved query control to enable users to create and save data queries and to provide them with a set of queries from which to choose.

Static Text

All Form Types

Use static text as labels on the form.


Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Power Edit

Power Browse

Wizard (Wizard control only)

Use subforms to provide one BV and a group of controls associated with it. Place multiple subforms on a power form to provide multiple, collective data views on one form. The subform created this way will not be reusable by other forms or applications.

Subform Alias

Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Power Browse

Power Edit


Use a subform alias to place a reusable subform on the form. A reusable subform is a subform with a data view and a set of controls associated with it.

Tab Control

All Form Types

Use tab controls to present a large number of controls on one or more tab pages. Power forms can have any number of tab controls, but all other forms are restricted to one. You cannot use tab control on a subform that is a tab page.

Tab Page

Only apply to tab controls

Use a tab page control to define one page in a tab control.

Text Block Control

All Form Types

Use text block controls to display free-form HTML text and plain text elements.

Text Search Control

Browse Portlet

Edit Portlet


Header Detail

Headerless Detail

Parent/Child Browse

Power Edit

Power Browse

Reusable Browse Subform

Reusable Edit Subform

Search & Select

Wizard (page only)

Use text search controls to enable full text searches against a generated index (as opposed to searching against the underlying BV).

Tree Control

All Form Types

Use tree controls to display a tree structure.


Wizard (default control)

Use wizard controls to create self-directed applications. This specialized control is available only on wizard forms.