Creating the ADF Test Page

  1. In the Projects panel, right-click the ViewController project, select New, and then select Page.

  2. On the Create JSF Page form, set the file name to E01012TestPage.jsf, verify the Facelets radio button is selected, and click the OK button. The new page will display in the main panel.

  3. Change to source view.

  4. Change the title attribute of the af:document tag to "E01012 Address Book."

  5. From the Projects panel, select the E01012_AddressBook_BTF from the ViewController > Web Content > Page Flow folder and insert between the af:form tags. From the Create context menu that displays next, select Region.

  6. The E01012TestPage.jsf should look like the following code:

    <f:view xmlns:f="" xmlns:af="">
        <af:document title="E01012 Address Book" id="d1">
            <af:form id="f1">
                <af:region value="#{bindings.E01012_AddressBook_BTF1.regionModel}" id="r1"/>