Additional Notes

This system function enables an application to send email messages to users, groups, and so forth.

The Send Message Extended system function supports multiple ways to define the recipient of a message. You can dictate that the message is for a limited group (such as individuals, distribution lists, and so forth), or you can make the recipients dynamic. The delivery method is based on each user's email preferences. You must send the message using at least one of the recipient parameters, although which one you use is immaterial to the system.

When mapping a recipient parameter, these options are available:

  • AB Number

    To send a message to a single user, enter the address book number of a user as the recipient. The mail will be sent to the default contact (contact number 0) for this address book number. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

    Note: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne version 8.10 applications do not employ contacts; therefore, email is sent directly to a user based on the address book number.
  • Contact

    To send a message to an individual in a user's contact list, enter the address book number of a user and then the number of the contact. Set the parameters to an applicable object from the object list.

    Note: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne version 8.10 applications do not employ contacts; therefore, this parameter has no effect.
  • Grouped Distribution List

    To send a message to the members of a distribution list, enter the address book number of the list and its structure type. Set the parameters to an applicable object from the object list.

  • Hierarchical Distribution List

    To send a message to the members of a hierarchical distribution list, enter the distribution list structure type, and the address book number of the node to start from in the list. Set the parameters to an applicable object from the object list.

    Note: This option is available only from within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Modeler.
  • SMTP Address

    To send a message to a single user, enter the SMTP address of the user as the recipient. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

  • Define Dynamic Recipient

    This option enables the selection of any kind of recipient at runtime, as opposed to choosing the kind of recipient at design time (AB Number, Contact, Grouped Distribution List, Hierarchy Distribution List, or SMTP Address).

    All the parameters must be mapped to objects from the available object list. At runtime, the recipient is chosen dynamically based on the value of the Recipient Type:

    • Recipient Type is '00':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <None>.

    • Recipient Type is '01':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <Contact>. The subfields Address book Number and Contact Number are used to determine the recipient.

    • Recipient Type is '02':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <AB Number>. The subfield Address book Number is used to determine the recipient.

    • Recipient Type is '03':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <Grouped Distribution List>. The subfields Address book Number and Structure Type are used to determine the recipients where Address book Number is the AB number for the distribution list and Structure Type is the organizational structure, based on user-defined code (UDC) 01/TS.

    • Recipient Type is '04':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <Hierarchical Distribution List>. The subfields Address book Number and Structure Type are used to determine the recipients where Structure Type is the structure and list to use and Address book Number is the point in the hierarchy from which to start.

      Note: This hierarchical resolution is available only when you send the email to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne work center.
    • Recipient Type is '05':

      This is the equivalent of selecting <SMTP Address>. The subfield SMTP Address will be used to determine the recipient.

    • Other values

      Do not use other values, as they are reserved for future use. The list of supported recipient types is defined by UDC 98/SM.

  • None

    To not specify a recipient (use None when a recipient is optional).

    The body of the email can be preset text (Text), or can be based on a DD item (<Message>). In either case, you can include a media object (<Media Object Name> and <Media Object Key>) and/or a link directly to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application (<Shortcut>) as well.

    Attachments can be sent with the mail, by providing the Media Object Name and Media Object Key parameters.

    The system function will retrieve the attachments stored within the Media Object specified, and add the data to the mail sent. Only the Media Object 'RTF Text' and 'URL File' attachment types are supported.