Send Message Extended

This system function enables an application to send email messages to users, groups, and so forth. The following table describes the system function parameters:

System Function Parameter


To recipient

Input, optional. The account or accounts to which to send the email.

Cc recipient

Input, optional. The account or accounts to which to send a courtesy copy of the email.

Bcc recipient

Input, optional. The account or accounts to which to send a blind courtesy copy of the email.


Input, required. The mailbox name to which to deliver the email. The mailbox is used only if the mail is delivered to the Work Center. For mail delivered externally (such as SMTP mail), this parameter is ignored. Set the parameter to a specific mailbox or to an applicable object from the object list.


Input, required. The text to display in the subject line of the email. If the value is <Blank> or <Zero>, and you are basing the email on a DD item using the Message parameter, then the system sets the subject line to the DD item description, if one exists.

Set the parameter to an alphanumeric constant, (<Literal>, <Blank>, <Zero>), or an applicable object from the object list.


Input, required. The text to display in the body of the email. Set the parameter to an alphanumeric constant, (<Literal>, <Blank>,<Zero>), or an applicable object from the object list.


Input, required. A link to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application. Set the parameter to the application to which to link or to <None>.


Input, optional. The text to display in the body of the email, based on a DD item glossary. The recipient formatting preferences (for dates, times, and numeric values) as well as language preference (should a translation for the DD item be available) are used when composing the text that represents the message. Set the parameter to the DD item you want to use or to <None>.

Media Object Name

Input, optional. The name of the media object to include in the email. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list, or to <None>.

Media Object Key

Input, optional. The key of the media object to include in the email. Set the parameter to an application object from the object list, or to <None>.