Analyzing a Process

To analyze a process:

  1. From the Workflow Advanced & Technical Operations menu (G0231), click Advanced Analysis.

  2. On the Workflow Advanced Analysis form, click Find to query all processes, or complete the Process ID field and click Find to query a process.

  3. Complete the Version, Start Date From, and Thru fields. These fields are optional.

  4. To analyze a process by day or by hour, click the Search button in the Duration UOM field to select the appropriate unit of measure field.

  5. Select the Actual or Averages option.

    If you select Actuals, the system automatically includes the process, version, and instance in the analysis. You can select whether to include task in the analysis.

    If you select Average, the system automatically includes the process in the analysis, and you can then select whether to view averages based on version, instance, or task.

  6. If you want to analyze the Actuals for a process and you want to include tasks in the analysis, select Task.

  7. If you want to analyze the averages for a process, select one or more of the following options: Version, Instance, Task.

  8. If you want to view the user responsible for a process, select User.

  9. Click Find.

  10. To remove a row of data, select Remove Row from the Row menu.

  11. To export data, right-click in the detail area and then select one of these options:

    • Microsoft Excel

    • Microsoft Word

    • Lotus 1–2–3

    • Lotus WordPro