Creating a Distribution List for Group Processing

Access the Work With Distribution Lists form.

  1. From JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Management Setup (G0241), select Group Revisions (P02150). Alternatively, you can access this application from OMW by choosing a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process, clicking Design, and then clicking Group Revisions on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Operations tab.

  2. On the Work With Distribution Lists form, complete these fields:

    • Parent Number

      Click the Search button and then select the address book number of the distribution list to which you want to add members.

    • Structure Type

      Click the Search button and then select a structure type from the list.

      Note: Do not leave this field blank. Every distribution list must have a structure type. Blank is the value for the Accounts Receivable structure type.
  3. From the Form menu, select Revise Parent.

  4. On Address Parent/Child Revisions, complete these fields.

    • Group

      Enter a group number for each member. Group numbers must be sequential, starting with one.

    • Address Number

      Enter the address book number of the individual that you want to add to the distribution list.

  5. If you will be using threshold values, complete these fields:

    • Associated Data Item

      You must use a data item that is also included in the additional data structure of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process. The system compares the value for this data item against the threshold values of the distribution list members to determine to whom messages are sent.

    • Threshold Value

      Enter the threshold value for each member of the distribution list.

      Important: If you want to make sure a message is sent, enter at least one threshold value in the distribution list that is lower than or equal to any value that could be entered into the associated data item. Otherwise, if the value in the associated data item is lower than the lowest threshold value in the distribution list, the process does not have anywhere to send the message because all of the possible recipients are out of the specified threshold range.
  6. If you are adding escalation to an Action task, complete these fields to assign hours and minutes to each member of the distribution list.

    • Escalation Hours

    • Escalation Minutes

      These values determine when a message will be escalated.

      Note: Escalation hours and minutes must be the same for all members of a group. For example, if members 7101, 7102, 7103, and 7104 are all members of Group 1, then each of these members must have the same escalation hours and minutes.
  7. If you want to specify a period of time during which the members of the distribution list can receive a message, complete these fields:

    • Begin Eff Date

    • End Eff Date

      The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow engine will not send messages to members of the distribution list unless the current date falls between the beginning effective date and the ending effective date that you specify in these fields.

  8. Specify the routing options by choosing one or more of these options:

    • First Response

    • Higher Level Override

    • Authorization Required

  9. Click OK.

    The following table provides additional information about the fields on the Address Parent/Child Revisions form:



    Parent Number

    The address book number of the parent company. The system uses this number to associate a particular address with a parent company or location. Any value that you enter in this field updates the Address Organizational Structure Master table (F0150) for the blank structure type. This address number must exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101) for validation purposes. Examples of address book records that would have a parent number include:

    Subsidiaries with parent companies

    Branches with a home office

    Job sites with a general contractor

    --- FORM SPECIFIC ---

    The Address Book number of the primary level in a hierarchy, or reporting relationship. A parent in one hierarchy can be a child in another hierarchy. A hierarchy can be organized by business unit, employee, or position. For example, you can create a hierarchy that shows the reporting relationships between employees and supervisors.

    Structure Type

    A UDC (01/TS) that identifies a type of organizational structure that has its own hierarchy in the Address Book system (for example, email).

    When you create a parent/child relationship for the Accounts Receivable system, the structure type must be blank.

    --- FORM SPECIFIC ---

    Identifies the type of distribution list, such as WFS for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow, ORG for group, and EML for email.

    Associated Data Item

    The data item used to retrieve the formatting information that the system uses on the Threshold Value.

    Threshold Value

    A value that is assigned to individuals within a distribution list to determine if the individuals will be included in the approval of a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow task. This value can be any numeric value, such as an amount, quality, or percentage.

    First Response

    If this option is turned on, only one member of a distribution list must respond to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message. When the first response is received by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow system, the system cancels the messages that were sent to the other members of the group and marks the task as complete.

    If this option is turned off, all members of the group to which the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message was sent must respond before the system marks the task as complete.

    Higher Level Override

    If this option is turned on and a person in a higher level group manually approves a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow transaction (by a workbench program), then all lower level groups will be marked as bypassed.

    If this option is turned off and a person in a higher level group manually approves the transaction, the action is logged and all lower level groups are still required to approve the transaction.

    Authorization Required

    If this option is turned on and a person in the distribution list enters a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow transaction that goes through the distribution list, the next higher person must be sent the message, even if the threshold has not been reached for the higher person.

    If this option is turned off, no higher person is required to see the message as long as it is below the threshold.