Creating a Distribution List for Hierarchical Processing

Access the Work With Distribution Lists form.

  1. From JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Management Setup (G0241), select Group Revisions (P02150). Alternatively, you can access this application from OMW by choosing a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process, clicking Design, and then clicking Group Revisions on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Operations tab.

  2. On the Work With Distribution Lists form, complete these fields:

    • Parent Number

      Click the Search button and then select the address book number of the distribution list to which you want to add members.

    • Structure Type

      Click the Search button and then select a structure type from the list.

      Note: Do not leave this field blank. Every distribution list must have a structure type. Blank is the value for the Accounts Receivable structure type.
  3. From the Form menu, select Revise Parent.

  4. On Address Parent/Child Revisions, complete these fields:

    • Group

      Hierarchical processing ignores values in the Group field. However, it is recommended that you assign each member to group 1.

    • Address Number

      Enter the address book number of the individual that you want to add to the distribution list.

  5. If you are using threshold values, complete these fields:

    • Associated Data Item

      You must use a data item that is also included in the additional data structure of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process. The system compares the value for this data item against the threshold values of the distribution list members to determine to whom messages are sent.

    • Threshold Value

      Enter the threshold value for each member in the distribution list.

      Important: If you want to make sure a message is sent, enter at least one threshold value in the distribution list that is lower than or equal to any value that could be entered into the associated data item. Otherwise, if the value in the associated data item is lower than the lowest threshold value in the distribution list, the process does not have anywhere to send the message because all of the possible recipients are out of the specified threshold range.
  6. If you are adding escalation to an Action task, complete these fields to assign hours and minutes to each member of the distribution list.

    • Escalation Hours

    • Escalation Minutes

      These values determine when a message will be escalated.

      Note: Escalation hours and minutes must be the same for all members of a group. For example, if members 7101, 7102, 7103, and 7104 are all members of group 1, then each of these members must have the same escalation hours and minutes.
  7. If you want to specify a period of time during which the members of the distribution list can receive a message, complete these fields:

    • Begin Eff Date

    • End Eff Date

      The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow engine will not send messages to the members of the distribution list unless the current date falls between the beginning effective date and the ending effective date that you specify in these fields.

  8. Specify the routing options by choosing one or more of these options:

    • First Response

    • Higher Level Override

    • Authorization Required

  9. Click OK.

  10. To add a level beneath the member that you just added (for example, if you added a vice president and you want to add directors beneath the vice president), do the following:

  11. Return to the Work With Distribution Lists form and select the vice president you just added in the tree.

    You might need to click Find to refresh the display.

  12. Click Add, and then enter the directors.

    Each time you add another level to the distribution list, you select the parent address book number and then click Add to add children under that parent. You can also enter the parent's address book number and the structure type, click Find, and then select Revise parent from the Form menu.