Routing Options

You can specify conditional routing to control the path of approvals within a distribution list. These routing options are as follows:

Routing Option


First Response

Indicates that if a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message is sent to the members of a group within a distribution list and all members in that group have the same threshold value, then only one of them must respond. After the first response is received by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow system, messages to the other members of that same group are deleted from their queues, and the approval process continues. For example, if Clerk 7101 from Group 1 responds to a message first, then messages are deleted from the other recipient queues for that group.

The First Response routing option is normally used when members of a group have the same authority in the approval process.

If you do not select this option, all members of the group to which the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message is sent must respond before the approval process continues.

Higher Level Overrides

Indicates that a member in a higher-level group can approve a change through the Process Task Monitor. All lower-level approvals are marked as Bypassed in the monitor, and messages to other members are deleted from their queues. If you do not select this option, then a member in the higher-level group cannot approve the change before the lower group approves it.

For example, if the Vice President (7401) approves a change through the monitor, all the messages that were sent to others within the distribution list below the Vice President are deleted from their queues. If the Vice President is the last person who needs to approve the message, then the message is complete; if not, the message goes to the next highest group member.

Authorization Required

Indicates that if a member in the distribution list initiates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow transaction (such as a salary increase), it requires authorization from a higher-level member. The higher-level member receives the message regardless of the threshold value of the higher-level member. If you do not select this option, no higher-level person is required to act on the message if it is below the threshold value.

For example, if Manager #2 (7202) approves a salary increase for himself, his employee information is not updated with that change unless his supervisor authorizes or approves the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow message.