Threshold Values

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow uses threshold values in conjunction with distribution lists to determine if a member of the list will be involved in a particular approval process. That is, the threshold value will determine whether a particular member has authority or if the members of the next higher group must also approve the message.

When you set up a distribution list, you can enter a threshold value for each employee on the list. If a particular JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process contains a value that is below a member's threshold value, then the system does not send a message to that member.

For example, if you use the associated data item AG (Amount-Gross) and enter a threshold value of 30,000 USD, the system compares the AG data item of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process against the threshold value. If a customer's credit limit amount has been increased, the system sends a notification message regarding the change to those people whose threshold value is less than or equal to the amount in the Amount-Gross field on the Credit Information form.

You can also use groups in conjunction with threshold values. If there are multiple members in a group, they must have the same threshold value. For example, Group 1 could have two members with threshold values of 10,000 USD. Group 2 also has two members who have threshold values of 25,000 USD. If the system sends a message to the distribution list for a credit limit approval of 20,000 USD, the two members within Group 1 with a threshold value of 10,000 USD receive the message.