Understanding How to Align Tasks in Orchestrator Studio Workflows (Release

With Tools Release, you can align the tasks of your workflow process in the diagram workspace. Prior to this enhancement, you could move and align the tasks in the diagram workspace and the system adjusted the tasks based on the transition of the tasks after you clicked Save. Now, the layout is preserved each time you save your changes to a workflow process.

The alignment options are enabled after you open a workflow process in the diagram workspace. Alternatively, you can click the background of the diagram workspace to enable the alignment options.

You can align your task in Orchestrator Studio Workflows using these options:
  • Snap to other task

    Use this alignment configuration to align tasks to adjacent tasks in your workflow process. Toggle on the Snap to other task option and drag a task next to the task you want to align it with. The task gets aligned horizontally or vertically based on the proximity of the tasks. The system displays horizontal or vertical guidelines to show the alignment of the task with respect to other tasks in the diagram workspace.

  • Snap to grid line

    Use this alignment configuration to align your tasks to grids in the diagram workspace. Toggle on the Snap to grid line option and drag a new or existing task to align it with the grid lines displayed in the background. The system displays faded grid lines and horizontal and vertical guidelines to show the placement of the task in the diagram workspace.

When both Snap to other task and Snap to grid line are toggled on, the system enables you to align tasks based on the grid lines in the diagram workspace as well as align vertically or horizontally with other tasks depending on the proximity of tasks. You can disable the align feature temporarily by pressing the Ctrl key while moving the tasks in the diagram workspace.

You can set up a combination of alignment settings by keeping one or both the Snap to other task and Snap to grid line options toggled on or by keeping both the options toggled off. The alignment setting preference is saved in the system and is loaded automatically each time you log in to Orchestrator Studio Workflows.