Understanding JD Edwards Workflow Processes Developed Before Release 8.94

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes that were developed prior to release 8.94 used the Send Message system function to send workflow email messages to users, groups, and so on. To send messages, these processes use Message tasks within the workflow process, rather than the Action or Information tasks that were implemented in 8.94. Action and Information tasks use the Send Message Extended system function, which was introduced in 8.94 to provide additional messaging capabilities. With the introduction of the Send Message Extended system function, the Send Message system function became a deprecated feature.

Many of the delivered JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes still use Message tasks, which are based on the Send Message system function. Because of the differences between the Send Message and Send Message Extended system functions, Message tasks and recipients are configured differently than the Action and Information task which became standard in 8.94.

The following information describes some of the messaging features of workflow processes developed prior to release 8.94. Although the Send Message system function and Message tasks are deprecated features, you are still able to modify some of the message distribution options. Before modifying a delivered workflow process, it is recommended that you create a new version of the process to modify. In this way, your modifications will not be overwritten during an upgrade.

Note: Although it is still possible to modify some of the recipient and distribution options for Message tasks, Oracle recommends that you replace the deprecated Message tasks with Action or Information tasks.