Computation Method 2

This method assumes that transactions from the prior year have been purged or are missing from your records. You still enter the dates of the prior fiscal year as in computation method 1, but the program uses the information differently. Because no records exist for the prior year, the program calculates the vouchered YTD amount by adding the amounts of vouchers with a GL date after the through date that you specify in the Date Options processing options. Next, the program subtracts this total from the existing amount vouchered YTD total. The result is updated in the Amount Vouchered PYE field. The Amount Vouchered YTD field is replaced with the newly calculated year-to-date amount.

For example, if the current year is 2008 and you want to calculate vouchered year-to-date amounts (based on a calendar year), enter January 01, 2007 as the from date and December 31, 2007 as the through date. The total of all vouchers with a GL date after December 31, 2006 equals the new year-to-date amount. The new prior year amount is calculated by subtracting the new year-to-date amount from the previous amount vouchered YTD total.

Important: If you run this process more than once for computation method 2, the Amount Vouchered PYE field displays zero.