Fields Reserved for Voucher Match Automation

The following fields in the F0411Z1 table are used in the voucher match automation (VMA) process. This process enables you to set up and run an automated process to perform a 3-way voucher match for receipts, and to create vouchers and redistribute amounts for logged vouchers.

Field Name





Automation Flag




The system uses this flag to determine if the record can be processed by the voucher match automation process.Valid values are:

Blank - Voucher match automation not enabled

1 - Voucher match automation enabled

Automation rule



These rules determine the guidelines that the process uses to match invoice lines to receipts. Possible values are:

01: Exact Match of Invoice Line to Purchase Order Line to Receipt Line

02: Match of Invoice Line to Receipt Line, Standard Tolerance Applied

03: Match of Invoice Line to Purchase Order Line to Multiple Receipt Lines, Standard Tolerance Applied

04: Exact Match of Invoice Line to Receipt Line

05: Match of Invoice Line to Purchase Order Line to Multiple Receipt Lines, Rounding Tolerance Applied

See "Automation Rules" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide.

Job Number


Indicates the workstation ID that runs a particular job.

Process Type



Indicates the status of the invoice in the voucher match automation process. Valid values are:

1: Invoice ready to match

2: Logged voucher created/ready to match

3: Logged voucher created for invoice fee

4: Match complete

5: Invoice fee unprocessed

6: Invoice fee processed

Note: You must set this field to 1 for invoice or 5 for invoice fee. Otherwise, the process ignores the record.