Required Fields for Processing Currency

This table identifies only the required fields in the F0411Z1 table for currency processing:

Field Name





Currency Mode




Enter a code used to designate whether the voucher is domestic or foreign. This field is used in conjunction with the Currency Code (CRCD), Gross Amount (AG), Currency Amount (ACR) and Currency Exchange Rate (CRR) fields to calculate whatever information is required for the transaction.

Enter D, F, or 3 depending on other information provided in the transaction.

If you leave this field blank, the system determines the value by the other information provided and is updated accordingly when the voucher is processed.

Currency Code




Enter a code that identifies the currency of the voucher. The value entered in this field must exist in the Currency Codes table (F0013).

Currency Amount




Enter the transaction amount in this field only if the value of the Currency Code (CRCD) field is different from the Currency Code assigned to the company, as defined in the Company Constants (F0010) table.

Exchange Rate




The system uses this exchange rate to calculate either the domestic or foreign amount of the voucher depending on the information provided.

If this field is not populated and the Currency Mode (CRRM) is not 3, the system will use the exchange rate from the Exchange Rate table (F0015).

Enter an exchange rate to override the exchange rate established in the table, or if an exchange rate does not exist. If tolerance checking is activated via a processing option in the Master Business Function (P0400047), the exchange entered will be validated. If tolerance checking is not activated, no validation is performed.

Enter an exchange rate into the record if the Currency Mode (CRRM) is 3. When CRRM is 3, the exchange rate is not validated against the Exchange Rate table or the amounts entered on the transaction.

Foreign Discount Available




Enter an amount or leave this field blank to calculate the discount based on the payment terms entered. If the payment term is blank, but one exists in the Supplier Master, the system calculates the discount based upon that payment term.

If the Currency Mode (CRRM) is 3 and a discount is available, enter amounts into the Foreign Discount Available (CDS) and Discount Available (ADSC) fields. The system does not perform calculations based upon a payment term.

Foreign Taxable Amount




The system calculates this field based upon the values in the Tax Rate/Area (TXA1), Tax Explanation Code (EXR1) and Currency Amount (ACR) fields. The system calculates the information that is not provided in the record. For example, if the Foreign Taxable Amount is entered, but the Currency Amount is blank, the system will calculate the Currency Amount.

Do not populate both the Currency Amount (ACR) and Foreign Taxable Amount (CTXA) fields.

Note that when you process transactions in foreign currency using the voucher match automation process, the process uses only the domestic currency fields to match F0411Z1 records to receipts and purchase orders.

Foreign Non-Taxable Amount




The system updates this field based on information in the Tax Rate/Area (VLTXA1), Tax Explanation Code (VLEXR1), and Currency Amount (VLACR) fields. The system calculates the amount that is not provided in the record. For example, if you enter the amount in the Foreign Taxable Amount field (VLCTXA) and you leave the Currency Amount field (VLACR) blank, the system calculates the currency amount. Do not complete both the Currency Amount (VLACR) and Foreign Taxable Amount (VLCTXA) fields. If the Currency Mode field (VLCRRM) is D, do not complete the Foreign Taxable Amount, Foreign Non-Taxable Amount, and Foreign Tax Amount fields. Instead, use the Taxable Amount (VLATXA), Non-Taxable Amount (VLATXN), and Tax Amount (VLSTAM) fields.

Foreign Tax Amount




Domestic Entry w/Mult Currency Distr




If the distribution accounts in the F0911Z1 are for a company with a different currency than the company entered into the F0411Z1 record, activate the Multicurrency Intercompany Settlement function in the General Accounting Constants (F0009) table and update this field with a value of 1.

If you are not using Multicurrency Intercompany Settlements, leave this field blank.

Foreign Open Amount




The unpaid foreign amount of a transaction.

Leave this field blank. The system populates this field when the transaction is processed.

Amount - Foreign Discount Taken




The amount of the discount, expressed in the foreign currency of the transaction, that was taken or granted during the application of a payment to an open invoice or voucher.

Foreign Discount Taken




The amount of the discount, expressed in the foreign currency of the transaction, that was taken or granted during the application of a payment to an open invoice or voucher.

Leave this field blank. The system updates this field when a payment is issued for a voucher containing an amount in the Foreign Discount Available field (CDS).