Required Fields for Processing Taxes

When populating the taxable, non-taxable and tax amount fields, you do not need to populate the gross amount (AG) field. The system calculates the gross amount based on the information in the tax amount fields. Conversely, if the gross amount field is populated, do not populate the taxable, non-taxable and tax amount fields.

If the tax information fields are not populated, but default values entered into the Supplier Master (F0401) table or the Business Unit Master (F0006) table, the system uses the default values (tax explanation code and/or tax rate area) to calculate taxes on vouchers unless the Bypass Tax Defaults processing option is activated.

Note: The F0006 table only contains the field for Tax Rate Area. In order for this value to default into the record, enter a value in the Tax Explanation Code.

During tax processing, the system also uses the rules established in Tax Rules by Company program (P0022) to determine if the tax will be based on the gross amount, the amount less discount, etc. Verify the settings for Tax Rules by Company so taxes are calculated as desired.

To update the Sales, Use, VAT tax file (F0018), activate the Update Tax File processing option in the Post program before posting transactions.

Field Name





Taxable Amount




Populate this field with the taxable amount of the voucher. If the total gross amount of the voucher is not taxable, enter the non-taxable portion of the voucher in the ATXN field. The taxable + non-taxable + tax amounts must equal the gross amount of the voucher.

Leave the gross amount field blank to have the system automatically calculate it based on the taxable and non-taxable amounts.

Non-Taxable Amount




Enter the amount of the voucher that is not taxable. The taxable + non-taxable + tax amounts must equal the gross amount of the voucher.

Tax Amount




The amount of tax calculated for the voucher.

If you leave this field blank, the system calculates the tax amount based on values in the Amount - Taxable (ATXA), Tax Explanation Code (EXR1) and Tax Rate/Area (TXA1) fields.

Tax Rate/Area




Enter a value that exists in the F4008 table. The tax rate/area determines the percent that the system uses to calculate tax and defines the taxing authority.

Tax Expl Code 1




Enter a value that exists in UDC table 00/EX. All values are hard-coded to perform tax calculations specific to the set up of the Tax Rate/Area and in conjunction with the Tax Rules by Company.

Service/Tax Date




This date corresponds to the effective date used in the Tax Rate/Area. Enter this date in the format accepted by the database. See the data item for G/L Date (DGJ) for more information.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the G/L date.

Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and populate the fields DSVM (mm), DSVD (dd), DSVY (yy), and DSV# (cc) in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (DSV#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 for 2005.