Forms Used to Process Logged Vouchers

Form Name




Enter Voucher - Payment Information


Other Voucher Entry Methods (G04111), Voucher Logging Entry

Click Add on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form.

Enter voucher information.

You must enter logged vouchers using the Voucher Logging Entry menu selection. If you do not, the system does not prompt you to enter a preliminary distribution account for the voucher.

Additional Information


On the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form, select Additional Info from the Form menu.

Enter purchase order information.

Journal Entry Prompt


Click OK on the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form.

Enter a remark for the voucher and verify the expense suspense account.

Work With Voucher JE Redistribution


Other Voucher Entry Methods (G04111), Voucher JE Redistribution

Locate a logged voucher to redistribute and, optionally, change the Redistribution Date field.

G/L Distribution


On the Work With Voucher JE Redistribution form, select a logged voucher and click Select.

Enter the expense account.

Voucher Match


On the Work With Voucher JE Redistribution form, select a logged voucher and select Redistribute PO from the Row menu.

Redistribute the purchase order voucher.