Payment Status Codes (00/PS)

Payment status codes indicate whether a voucher is approved, pending, paid, and so on. You assign a payment status code to a voucher to change the status that the system assigned. Some payment status codes are hard-coded.

The system provides these payment status codes:

  • A: Approved for payment

  • Y: Workflow in Progress (Release 9.2 Update)

    The system marks the pay status of the vouchers that are entered with the Voucher Approval Workflow enabled and that exceed the threshold value for approval, with a Y. You cannot make any changes to these vouchers until they are approved or rejected by the approver.

  • F: Workflow Rejected (Release 9.2 Update)

    When the approver rejects a voucher in the Voucher Approval Workflow, the system changes the pay status of the voucher to F.

  • H: Hold pending approval (not hard-coded).

    You can set up additional codes for each type of hold status for vouchers:

  • P: Paid in full.

  • R: Retainage.

  • %: Withholding tax applies.

  • #: Payment in process.

    The system marks any vouchers that you select during prepayment processing with a # to prevent any changes to the voucher until payment processing is complete.

  • Z: Voucher was selected during the manual payment process.

    This status appears for a voucher when you have selected the voucher to be paid by a manual payment but have not yet clicked OK on the Manual Payment Entry form.