
These processing options specify variables that are related to printing manual payments.

1. Payment Instrument

Specify the payment instrument for the payment. The system uses the value that you enter in this processing option to determine which print program to use when it prints payments.

Each payment instrument has an assigned print program number. To view assigned print programs, select Payment Instrument Defaults from the Automatic Payment Setup menu (G04411). The A/P Payments - Default Print and Update table (F0417) contains the payment instrument and assigned print program information. For example, if you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the print program assigned to a blank value in the F0417 table.

2. Print Program Version Number

Specify the version number of the print program.

To view valid version numbers, select batch Versions from the System Administration Tools menu (GH9011). Enter the Print program number in the Batch Application field, and click Find. The system displays all available versions.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

3. Retain Print Field Value

Specify whether the status of the Print Payment option on the Manual Payment Entry form remains the same until you change it. Values are:

Blank: Do not retain the same value. The Manual Payment Entry form opens with the Print Payment option cleared regardless of how you left it the last time you worked on the form while in the same batch.

1: Retain the same value. The Manual Payment Entry form opens with the Print Payment option retaining the value for as long as you are in the same batch.