
1. Activate Alternate Payment

Enter 1 to activate the Alternate Payment option on the Form menu. The Alternate Currency form enables you to pay a voucher in a currency other than the domestic or foreign currency of the voucher. For example, a foreign currency voucher is entered in Canadian dollars (CAD) and has a domestic currency of U.S. dollars (USD). You can pay the voucher in an alternate currency, such as euros (EUR) or any other currency other than CAD or USD.

2. Exchange Rate Date Edit

Specify whether the system validates that the effective date of the exchange rate is within the same GL reporting period in the Company Constants. Values are:

Blank: The system does not perform the validation; it accepts any date.

1: The system performs the validation and issues a warning message if the effective date is not within the same GL reporting period.

3. Exchange Rate Tolerance Limit

Specify an exchange rate tolerance limit. During payment entry you can manually override the exchange rate that exists in the Currency Exchange Rate table (F0015). The Exchange Rate Tolerance Limit processing option places limits on how far the exchange rate you enter manually can differ from the exchange rate in the F0015 table.

Valid values are whole numbers that indicate a percent of the exchange rate in the F0015 table. For example, if you enter 5, you can manually override the exchange rate that exists in the F0015 table with a number that is plus or minus 5 percent of the table value.