
1. Display Draft Entry Option

Enter 1 to display the Draft Entry option on the Manual Payment Entry form. Drafts, like vouchers, can be processed to be paid in various currencies.

Note: If you select the Draft Entry option, the payment type changes from PN to P1.
2. Duplicate Number Error Message

Enter 1 to have the system issue a warning message when someone enters a duplicate payment number using the same bank account. Leave this processing option blank to have the system issue an error message.

3. Allow Negative Payments

Specify whether the system enables the entry of negative payments. Businesses in some countries are not allowed to have outstanding debit memos. So, you can use negative payments to record reimbursements from suppliers using the supplier's check number. When you post the supplier's check as a negative payment, the system updates the proper accounts with the correct amounts. Values are:

Blank: Do not enable negative payments.

1: Enable negative payments.

4. Delete Unposted Automatic Payments

Enter 1 to enable the deletion of unposted automatic payments. Leave this processing option blank to prevent the deletion of unposted automatic payments. These payments can be voided.

Note: If unposted payments are deleted, all records of their existence are physically removed from the system. There is no audit trail. However, if payments are voided, the system creates a PO document type for the payment, which leaves an audit trail.
5. Delete Unposted Manual Payments

Enter 1 to enable the deletion of unposted manual payments. Leave this processing option blank to prevent the deletion of unposted manual payments. These payments can be voided.

Note: If unposted manual payments are deleted, all records of their existence are physically removed from the tables. There is no audit trail. However, if payments are voided, the system creates a PO document type for the payment, indicating a void payment entry. There is an audit trail.
6. Enable Payments with Voucher G/L Bank Account

Enter 1 to use the voucher's G/L bank account number. Leave this processing option blank to prevent the use of the voucher's G/L bank account number.