Revising Supplier Master Information

You can revise supplier master information at any time. Use either the Supplier Master Information program or the Address Book Revisions program to revise supplier master information.

With the exception of the supplier number, you can change any field on the Supplier Master Revision form. However, if you make changes to a supplier master record, existing vouchers for that supplier will not reflect those changes. The only changes that are recognized are changes to the address book master record for the supplier. For example, if you enter vouchers for a supplier, and then change the payment instrument on the supplier master record and the mailing address on the address book master record, only the change to the mailing address is reflected in the payment. In this situation, use the Speed Status Change program (P0411S) to update the payment instrument.

Note: If you change the value specified in the Approver Number field or the Category Code 7 field, you can run a program to update the value in these fields in the F0411 table.

See Updating the Approver and Category Code 7 Fields.

If you are concerned about the potential for fraud that could result from users changing the address book information for suppliers, you can activate a process called Payee Control. If you activate this process and a user changes information for a supplier in fields such as the Alpha Name or Factor/Special Payee, the system does not allow vouchers for this supplier to be paid until a designated person approves the change.