Understanding Logged Voucher Processing

If you do not know the GL account to which to distribute a voucher, you can enter a logged (preliminary) voucher. Then at a later time, you review and redistribute the voucher to the correct GL accounts. This is useful if you want to quickly enter a voucher when you receive the supplier's invoice so that you can maintain accurate accounts payable information.

Use the Voucher Logging Entry program (P0411) to enter logged vouchers. This program is the same as Standard Voucher Entry (P0411), except that these processing options are set to process logged vouchers:

  • Voucher Logging is set to 1.

  • Voucher Master Business Function Version is set to use version ZJDE0004. Version ZJDE0004 is set to use a default document type of PL.

When you enter a logged voucher, the system:

  1. Creates a voucher with a voucher number and document type of PL.

  2. Distributes the total amount of the voucher to a GL suspense account.

    The default value for this suspense account is specified in AAI item PP.

  3. Records the offset amount based on the accounts payable trade account (AAI item PC) or the accounts payable trade suspense account (AAI item PQ), depending on which method is designated in the Company Names & Numbers program (P0010).

Information about logged vouchers is maintained in the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) and Account Ledger (F0911) tables.

You can revise a logged voucher before you redistribute it if the voucher remains unposted. After a logged voucher is posted, the only way to change it is to void and re-enter it. You cannot void a single pay item.

To view those vouchers assigned to a suspense account, print the Voucher Detail report. The system provides these versions of this report:

  • A/P Detail by Approver with Remarks (R04428A).

  • A/P Detail by Approver with Aging (R04428B).

This report shows transaction totals from the Accounts Payable Ledger table and prints information by approver number.