Understanding the Pre-Note Code Check Box on the Supplier Master Revision Form

A prenote code indicates whether a supplier is in a setup or complete status for electronic funds transfer (EFT). The setup cycle is called prenote setup status, in which EFT information is being created or verified with a bank. After the EFT information is verified, the system changes the supplier's prenote status to complete.

When you process bank tape payments, the system performs prenote editing if the GL (payor) bank account is set up to do so. When you run a bank tape, all the new suppliers that are at a prenote setup status receive printed payments while test records are written to the bank tape. The system stores the prenote status assigned to payees in the Supplier Master table (F0401). When the bank tape arrives at the bank, the bank partially processes the test records through its system to verify that the account information is correct.

Note: In the G/L Bank Accounts program (P0030G), the Revise Bank Information form includes the Override Supplier Pre-Note Code check box. If this check box is selected, prenote editing is not performed during the processing of bank tape payments for the GL bank account on the form.

When you set up a user-defined bank account for a supplier, the system creates a record with a prenote setup status. This is a separate record in the Multiple Vendor Bank Account Status table (F0401M). When the system performs prenote editing for user-defined record types, the supplier's prenote status is retrieved from the Multiple Vendor Bank Account Status table. If the supplier does not have a bank account record for the user-defined record type, or the default value for the hard-coded vendor (V) type account is used, the supplier's prenote status is retrieved from the F0401 table.