Understanding the Process to Void Automatic Payments and Vouchers

You can determine whether a payment was posted by viewing its posted status. The statuses are:

  • Blank: The payment was not posted or voided.

  • D: The payment was posted.

  • P: The payment post ended in an error; the system wrote GL entries to the bank account.

You can tell that a payment was voided if no payment amount exists.

When you void posted payments or vouchers, the system reopens the original batch. You must repost the batch to:

  • Debit the cash account and credit the AP trade account for voided payments.

  • Debit the AP trade account and credit the GL distribution account for voided vouchers.

An unposted payment can be either voided or deleted, depending on how you set a processing option.

You void payments after you update them. You can void both posted and unposted payments. When you void payments, the system:

  • Creates a matching document with a document type of PO (voided payment) in the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414).

    This matching document has a gross amount that is equal to the void amount and a pay status of P (paid).

  • Reopens the original vouchers with an open amount and a pay status of A (approved).

  • Voids payments with multiple currencies by voiding both the domestic and foreign sides of the payment.

    Note: You cannot void payments that were reconciled with the Manual Reconciliation program (P09131) or Match Tape File to Recon File program (R09510). Reconciled payments must be unreconciled using the P09131 program and then voided.