Understanding YTD Voucher Amounts

As part of your cash management procedures, review the total vouchered amount for your suppliers. Although the vouchered year-to-date (YTD) amount field is updated interactively as vouchers are entered, you should run the update to ensure accurate totals. To see accurate totals, you must make any necessary corrections and then update the supplier's YTD voucher amounts. Generally, you do this either monthly or at the end of a calendar or fiscal year as part of your system-wide annual close.

Correct any errors with your supplier records before you update their voucher amounts for the year-to-date. To locate these errors, run the annual close program in proof mode. The system sends any workflow messages to the Work Center program (P012501). It lists each supplier that is in error, with an error message and a corresponding document number. You must correct these errors before you update YTD voucher amounts.

Continue to rerun the update program in proof mode until you have corrected all errors. When you rerun the program in proof mode, use data selection to select only those suppliers that were previously in error to verify that they are no longer in error.