Updating YTD Voucher Amounts

Typically, you update YTD voucher amounts soon after you close the year for AP activity as part of your annual close procedures. The YTD voucher amount is based on the gross amount of the voucher. When you update YTD amounts, the system does the following for all suppliers across all companies, based on the beginning and ending date you specify in the Date Options processing options:

  • Calculates total voucher amounts from the F0411 table.

  • Updates these in the F0401 table:

    • Prior year-end voucher amounts.

    • Year-to-date voucher amounts.

    When you update these voucher amounts, the system removes the amounts from the YTD total so that it will reflect only the current year's activity.

If the system finds errors when you update YTD voucher amounts, it sends an error message to the Workflow Management system.

If you purge your AP records more than once a year, remember to update your supplier YTD voucher amounts each time you do so.