Using Multiple Versions of the Write T5018 Media Program

Clients with multiple companies can print T5018 forms separately for each company in their organization. You must set up print versions of the Write T5018 Media programs, such as R04615 and R046152, to print specific T5018 forms by company or to print corrected returns by supplier. You must make a data selection on the R04615 version for all combinations of reporting medium and generation type, but for the combination of Refresh and Proof, you must make data selection on the R046153 version instead of R04615.

Note: Use the Write T5018 Media program (P04615) to create files for electronic filing and print T5018 forms. Because the program is used for different purposes, make sure that you do not inadvertently use a print version of the Write T5018 Media program (R04615 and R04615x) with data selection to create an electronic file. The electronic file that you submit to the CRA must include all T5018 information.