Additional Information

These fields are used on the Additional Information form.

Service/Tax Date

Enter the date on which you purchased goods or services, or when you incurred a tax liability.

If you leave this field blank, the system populates it based on the setting of the processing option in the Invoice Entry MBF Processing Options program (P03B0011).

Business Unit

Displays the business unit that is assigned to the customer's address book record. You can override the business unit for an invoice pay item on the Standard Invoice Entry form.

Note: AAI Considerations: If you do not specify a business unit for the AAI items that begin with RC, the system concatenates the business unit that is assigned to the invoice to the object and subsidiary accounts of the AAI item and uses this as the account number for the A/R trade (offset) account. For example, if the business unit that is assigned to the invoice is 20 and the AAI item for RC is set up with the object account 1210, the system uses account 20.1210 as the trade account when the invoice is posted.
Payment Instrument

Displays the payment instrument that is assigned to the customer master record.