G/L Distribution

These fields are used on the G/L Distribution form.

Account Number

Enter the general ledger account number to which the transaction is posted, for example, a sales revenue account.


Enter the amount that is posted to the general ledger account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (–) either before or after the amount.

The total amount that you enter for the G/L distribution must equal the total amount that you entered in the gross amount fields for the invoice. The Amount field on the bottom of the form displays the total amount that you have distributed. The Remaining field provides you with an ongoing tally of the amount that you have left to distribute to equal the gross amount of the invoice.

Explanation -Remark-

Enter a name or remark that describes the purpose for using an account or any other information that you want to assign to the transaction.

If you leave this field blank, the system supplies the value entered in the Remark field on the invoice.

See Also