Algorithm Data Selection and Data Sequencing

When you modify the data selection or data sequencing of an algorithm, you affect only the selection of receipts and the order in which the system selects them for processing. For example, you might decide to process only receipts for a specific date or for a specific customer or group of customers.

To specify which invoices the system selects for the matching process, you must change the data selection associated with Invoice Selection Match - Select/Read Invoices (F03B11) [Group Section]. You do this in the Report Design Aid (RDA) of the version. For example, you might want the system to process only chargeback invoices or invoices generated as a result of processing delinquency fees.

To specify the order in which the system selects invoices in the matching process, you must change the data sequence associated with Invoice Selection Match - Select/Read Invoices (F03B11) [Group Section]. You do this in the RDA of the version. For example, you might want to process invoices generated from delinquency fees or chargeback invoices before other types of invoices.

Important: Only persons trained and knowledgeable with batch programs and their design should attempt to change the data selection or the data sequence in RDA. Altering the report inappropriately can result in the program not functioning properly.