Creating Customer Master Records

Access the Customer Master Revision form.

Customer Number

The system displays the name of the customer next to this field. When you click the customer name, the system displays the Address Book Revision form for the customer.

Long Address Number

Enter a user-defined name or number that identifies an address book record. To locate the customer record or enter invoices for the customer using the long address number, precede it with the appropriate character that you define in the Address Book Constants. The system converts the long address number to the customer address book number in the entry or inquiry program.


Specify the company for which the customer master default information applies. The system uses the information that you set up by company when you enter an invoice or process credit and collection information for that company.

If you do not set up a customer master record for a specific company, the system uses the information that you define in the company 00000 record for that customer. If you add customer master information for a specific company and information does not exist for company 00000, the system automatically creates a customer master record for company 00000. The system uses the information that you entered for the specific company.