Data Selection and Data Sequencing

To use data selection to print notices for specific customers, use the Print Delinquency Notices program (R03B525), not the A/R Delinquency Notices Print program (R03B20) or the Tiered Delinquency Notice Print program (R03B21).

Important: If you modify the data selection to print specific notices, set the processing option to prevent updating the Credit and Cash Management table (F03B15). Otherwise, the system updates the table according to the specified data selection, which might compromise the collection manager's ability to perform daily collection activities.

The totals that print on the notices are dependent on the correct data sequence; therefore, do not change the data sequence on either of the print programs (R03B20 and R03B21) or the Print Delinquency Notices program (R03B525) when generating notices.