Locating Invoices

Access the Work with Customer Ledger Inquiry form.


Enter the address book number of the customer.


Enter the address book number of the customer's parent company.

The system returns customer records for both the parent and children. The system does not return records for grandchildren and subsequent levels of parent/child relationships.

Batch Number

Enter the batch number that contains the invoices which you want to review invoices.

Invoice No From (invoice number from) and Thru (invoice number through)

Enter the range of invoice numbers that you want to review.

All, Paid, and Open

Select one of these options to display invoices as described:

All: Display all invoices

Paid: Display only paid invoices

Open: Display only unpaid invoices

Note: You must select the All option if you use the As Of Date feature.
Date From and Thru (date through)

Enter the date range for which you want to review invoices.

Invoice Date, Due Date, G/L Date, and Statement Date

Select one of these options to indicate the type of date that is used when you enter dates in the Date From and Thru fields.

As Of Date

Enter the date to review invoices for a specific time. The system compares the G/L date of the receipt to the As Of date that you enter to determine whether the invoice was open or paid on that date, and then displays the invoices.

You must set the pay status option to All to use the as of feature correctly.

Recurring Invoice

Select to display recurring invoices. If you select this option, the system displays only invoices that have recurring information, such as the number of payments and frequency.


Select to display invoices in summary mode. When this option is selected, invoices with multiple pay items appear as a summarized record, with an * in the Pay Item field. When the option is not selected, invoice pay items appear as separate records.