Payment Instrument Codes (00/PY)

Using a payment instrument in draft processing is optional. You use payment instrument codes to categorize drafts for reporting and accounting purposes. For example, if you want to distinguish drafts that you originated from those that the customer originated, or if you want to distinguish drafts for which you have bank account information from those for which you do not, you can assign the drafts different payment instruments. The payment instrument that you assign to a draft can also be used in conjunction with AAI items, such as RD1x, RD2x, RD3x, and RD4x (where x represents the payment instrument), to assign different accounts based on the payment instrument.

This table provides examples of the payment instruments that are set up for you to use for draft processing. You can use these codes or set up additional codes.


Description of Code

Suggested Use During Draft Processing


Draft by invoice.

You might assign this payment instrument to invoices that you generate to use for data selection when you print drafts by invoice.


Draft by statement.

You might assign this payment instrument to invoices that you generate to use for data selection when you print drafts by statement.


Draft that you originate with a bank account number.

You might assign this payment instrument to the draft that you enter (using the Enter Our Drafts program, P03B602) to indicate that the draft, which you originated, has customer bank account information.


Draft customer originates with a bank account number.

You might assign this payment instrument to the draft that you enter (using the Enter Customer Drafts program, P03B602) to indicate that the draft, which the customer originated, has bank account information.


Draft you originate without a bank account number.

You might assign this payment instrument to the draft that you enter (using the Enter Our Drafts program) to indicate that the draft, which you originated, does not have customer bank account information.


Draft customer originates without a bank account number.

You might assign this payment instrument to the draft that you enter (using the Enter Customer Drafts program) to indicate that the draft, which the customer originated, does not have bank account information.

Note: The description of the payment instrument code in this table might not be the same as the description in UDC 00/PY because these codes can be used in other systems.