Payment Status Codes (00/PS)

Pay status codes are hard-coded. The system updates invoice (document type RI) and draft invoice (document type R1) records in the F03B11 table with one of these payment status codes, based on where the invoice is in the draft process:


Description of Code

Stage Used in Draft Processing

Description of Use


Approved for payment

Invoice generation

When you create an invoice and expect the customer to pay by draft, the system displays this pay status on the invoice.


Paid in full

Draft acceptance and draft collection

When you accept the draft, the system updates the pay status of the invoice to this status. The system also updates the draft invoice to this pay status when the draft is collected.


Draft accepted

Draft acceptance

When you accept the draft, the system updates the pay status of the draft invoice to this status.


Draft included in register

Draft registration

When you register the draft, the system updates the pay status of the draft invoice to this status.


Draft deposited not due

Draft remittance

When you submit the draft to the bank and you update the draft with the remitted information, the system updates the draft invoice to this status.
