
These processing options specify the accounts to verify for integrity purposes and to include on the report.

Include Trade Account from F03B11 and F03B14

Specify whether to include the trade accounts from the F03B11 and F03B14 tables, as designated by the values in the RPAID and RZAID fields, respectively, on the report. The system also includes the chargeback trade account (RZAIDC) from the F03B14 table on the report.

Blank: Do not include the trade accounts.

1: Include the trade accounts.

Include Discount Account

Specify whether to include the discount taken account (RZAIDD) from the F03B14 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the discount taken account.

1: Include the discount taken account.

Include Deduction Account

Specify whether to include the deduction account (RZDAID) from the F03B14 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the deduction account.

1: Include the deduction account.

Include Write-Off Account

Specify whether to include the write-off account (RZAIDW) from the F03B14 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the write-off account.

1: Include the write-off account.

Include Gain/Loss Account

Specify whether to include the gain/loss account (RZAIDT) from the F03B14 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the gain/loss account.

1: Include the gain/loss account.

Include Alternate Currency Gain/Loss Account

Specify whether to include the alternate currency gain/loss account (RZAIDA) from the F03B14 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the alternate currency gain/loss account.

1: Include the alternate currency gain/loss account.

Include Bank Account

Specify whether to include the bank account (RYGLBA) from the F03B13 table on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include the bank account.

1: Include the bank account.

Include Rounding Account

Specify whether to include the rounding account (RZRASI) from the F03B14 table on the report.

Blank: Do not include the rounding account.

1: Include the rounding account.