Reviewing or Revising Unposted Invoices

Access the Invoice Journal Review form.

To review or revise unposted invoices:

  1. To verify that the amount of the journal entry is equal to the amount of the invoice, review the J.E. Bal (journal entry balanced) field.

  2. To review general ledger information, select G/L Distribution from the Row menu.

  3. Click Cancel to return to Invoice Journal Review.

  4. To revise invoice information, select Invoice Entry from the Row menu.

  5. On Standard Invoice Entry, change the information in any field that the system allows.

  6. Select G/L Distribution from the Form menu.

  7. On G/L Distribution, revise the information in any available field and click OK.


    If you revise an invoice that is posted, the system automatically changes the batch status from posted to the default entry status, either pending or approved, depending on the setting in the A/R constants.

    If you revise an amount, you must post the batch again to update the F0911 and F0902 tables. The post processes only the changed transaction.