Reviewing Trigger Configuration Records

After you set up trigger configuration records, you might want to review them to determine how the system is using the configurations to send invoices into the revenue recognition process.

You use the Real Estate Trigger Configuration program (P15032) to review these records. To review the records, select Configuration Setup from the Revenue Recognition Setup menu (G15415).

Note: To view the trigger configuration records in the order in which they are applied to the invoices, you should set up a custom grid format on the Real Estate Trigger Configuration form to:
  • Display the columns in the same order you have set up in the trigger hierarchy program. For example, the field you specify with the trigger hierarchy value of 1 should be the first column on your grid.

  • You should set up the data sequencing as descending. This setup will display the first trigger configuration record (most specific) that is used to evaluate invoices at the top of the grid, and the last record (least specific) at the bottom.