Revising Posted Invoices

Access the Work with Customer Ledger Inquiry form.

To revise posted invoices:

  1. Locate the invoice that you want to revise, and then click Select.

  2. On Standard Invoice Entry, revise the information in any available field, and then click OK.

    If you change the gross amount, you might have to revise the discount amount. The system does not recalculate the discount when you change the gross amount.

    If you change the gross amount, the system displays the G/L Distribution form automatically.

  3. On the G/L Distribution form, complete the Account Number and Amount fields on a new grid line to create a balancing entry.

    Enter the amount as a credit.

  4. To revise general ledger information only, on Standard Invoice Entry, select G/L Distribution from the Form menu, revise the desired fields, and then click OK.