Stand-Alone Chargebacks (TI Code 26)

When an amount in dispute is not associated with a specific invoice, you can create a stand-alone chargeback for the amount. A stand-alone chargeback enables you to re-invoice the customer for the amount that is in dispute. Typically, you enter stand-alone chargebacks when the payment amount does not total the invoices being paid, and you want to charge back the difference to the customer. In this case, you enter a standalone chargeback with invoice match. The system increases the customer's open balance by the amount of the short-payment.

You enter a stand-alone chargeback without invoice match when you want to distribute an unapplied receipt or draft among multiple customer accounts. When you do this, the system creates a record in the F03B13 table for the payor, and creates associated records in the F03B14 and F03B11 tables for the chargeback amount (as a credit) to each customer. This process simulates the creation of an unapplied payment for each customer.