Understanding Bank Accounts

Depending on the information provided in the F03B13Z1 table and in the processing options for the Update Receipts Header program (R03B551), you might need to enter a bank account record for the company's bank.

This table describes how and when the system uses bank account information based on the fields that are completed and the processing option value for the Short Bank Account ID located on the Default tab for the Update Receipts Header program (R03B551).

Key to the table:

  • GLBA = G/L Bank Account ID

  • EHBK = Home Bank Account

  • EHTN = Home Bank Transit

    Note: The system uses both the Home Bank Account and Home Bank Transit fields to locate the G/L Bank Account ID. If you enter a value in EHBK, you must enter a value in EHTN.

    Field Combinations in the F03B13Z1 table

    Processing Option for Short Bank Account ID

    Bank Account Requirements


    GLBA - Value

    EHBK - N/A

    EHTN - N/A



    If a value exists in the GLBA, the system ignores any values in EHBK and EHTN, as well as in the processing option.

    The system updates the information to the bank account specified in GLBA.

    GLBA - Blank

    EHBK - Value

    EHTN - Value


    G/L Bank Account Record (record type G) must exist in the Bank Transit Master table (F0030).

    No requirement for the customer bank account.

    The system uses the values in EHBK and EHTN to locate the short account ID of the G/L bank.

    GLBA - Blank

    EHBK - Blank

    ENTN - Blank



    The system uses the value specified in the processing option.

    Note: Any other combination used for these fields and processing options results in an error and the system does not process the receipt.