Understanding Default Payment Instruments

To distinguish invoice records to be paid by draft from other invoice records, you can set up a default payment instrument on the customer master record. The system updates invoice records for that customer with the payment instrument that is specified on the customer record, unless you change it on the invoice. For draft processing, you can use the payment instrument to differentiate customers for whom you might print invoices with a draft attachment from customers for whom you might print statements with a draft attachment.

You can also use the payment instrument to identify drafts entered with bank account information from those that do not have bank account information. Processing options for the draft entry programs enable you to set up payment instruments to use for this purpose. The system updates draft invoice records (document type R1) in the F03B11 table and draft receipt records in the F03B13 table with the payment instrument specified in the processing options.

The draft payment instrument can be any valid payment instrument that exists in UDC 00/PY. Payment instruments are not hard-coded.

If you need to update the payment instrument for invoices that you previously entered, you can use the Speed Status Change program (P03B114) to update the payment instrument on all invoices for the customer or on an invoice-by-invoice basis.