
These processing options are used to specify whether the system uses an "as of" date to calculate invoice open amounts, whether it updates the statement number on invoice records, and whether the system creates one A/R Notification History Detail (F03B21) record for each invoice or for each invoice pay item.

1. Date - As Of

Specify the date that you want to use to produce statements for a prior period. This date is useful if a customer requests a statement for a specific date or for a date that is different from the original date that you used to produce the statement.

For example, to produce a statement from several months ago, enter the date that you want to use for the statement date in this processing option, and the system compares it to the closed date on the invoice to determine whether the invoice was open as of that date. If the invoice was open, the system recalculates the open amount and includes it on the statement. The system recalculates the open amount by adding to the current open amount the receipts that were applied to the invoice and have a G/L date that is on or after the as of date.

If you want to reprint a statement that was previously generated for a prior period, use the Review Statements program (P03B202).

Caution: The system requires additional processing time to determine whether the invoice was open on the date that you specify; therefore, do not complete this field unless you want to use this feature. For the system to perform As Of processing, you must include paid invoices in the data selection of the Statement Notification Refresh program (R03B500X). You might also want to limit data selection to the specific customer for whom you are generating the statement.
2. Statement Number Update

Use this processing option to overwrite the statement number on invoices that are included on multiple statements. For example, if an open invoice is included on statement 123 and the invoice is still open when you run statements again, the system assigns the new statement number to the invoice and overwrites the previous value. Values are:

Blank: Update the statement number on all invoice records.

1: Update the statement number on only those invoice records that do not have a value in the Statement Number field (CTL).

3. Summarize Invoices

Specify whether to include a summarized invoice record in addition to each invoice pay item record in the A/R Notification History Detail (F03B21) table. You use the Review Statement program (P03B202) to review the information in this table. Values are:

Blank: Include invoice pay item records only.

1: Include a summarized invoice record in addition to the invoice pay item records.

Note: If you want to print summarized invoice information on the statement, use the corresponding processing option in the statement print program that you are using (R03B5001, for example).