Using Blind Recognition to Recognize Revenue and COGS

You can use blind recognition to recognize all of the revenue and COGS for one or more invoices without reviewing the pay item or G/L account information. You cannot use blind recognition for an invoice if a line on that invoice has a schedule attached.

  1. From the Revenue Recognition Processing menu (G03B18), select Revenue Recognition.

  2. When you select the Summarize check box on the Work with Invoice Revenue Recognition form, you can select invoices with a combination of single and multiple pay items, and single and multiple G/L distribution lines.

  3. After you select the records, select Blind Recognition from the Row menu.

  4. The system displays the Blind form. Use the Override G/L Date field to specify the G/L date the system uses when recognizing revenue and COGS for the invoice. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the original G/L date on the invoice. Use the Reason Code field to specify the reason code of a pay item. The system automatically populates the Reason Code field with the value in the Recognize All processing option, but you can change it.

  5. After you complete these fields and click OK, the system recognizes revenue and COGS by using the remaining amount for each G/L Distribution line for the selected invoices.

  6. The system updates the records in the F03B116 and the F03B117 tables with the appropriate amounts and the reason code. On the Work with Invoice Recognition form, the system updates the Revenue Recognition Status field to Recognition Complete. The system also sets the batch to pending or approved status.